“There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life”

Know about Astroshubh

Humans are nature’s unique and blessed creations, made out of five elements governed by the 9 Planets in our Solar System. Our lives are always closely associated with nature and its elements. We may control our homes and work spaces to suit our life style, but in order to energize us, these spaces within our body and external environment must follow nature’s principles. We try to align you in the direction of which your Horoscope Planets are situated in your Horoscope Chart and give you the right approach towards a healthy & happy life with certain Yogic Techniques and understanding your Planet Placement.

Yoga & Vedic Astrology is the Ancient Science of Asia which our Indian Sages followed and Preached. It is the science of human energy with nature’s energy and by adapting our spaces to the positive energies to five directions, i.e. nature’s five elements. In balancing these five elements, agni, vayu, jal, prithvi, akash – fire, air, water, earth, space.

Yogic Techniques with the blend of Astrological chart reading of an individual, is the science that would bring out the nature’s energy existing within you. And bring immense gains to our personal and professional lives.

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Horoscope Chart of an Individual

What we get from Horoscope Chart of an Individual.

By carefully observing a correct horoscope a learned astrologer can predict, whether a person can or cannot attain the highest level of consciousness and the ultimate goal of liberation or moksha.

House in charts which are Responsible for Liberation/Salvation

Ascendant: disclosing one’s physical abilities, health and inclination of mind.

5th house: indicates feelings/sentiments and religion in God’s existence.

9th house: provides a clue of the act of non-secular and spiritual activities like pilgrim’s journey, construction of temple/mosque/church or in any religious place.

* 12th: indicates liberation/salvation /moksha.

  • Jupiter: is a religious planet.
  • Saturn: is a spiritual planet.
  • Sun: indicates the soul of a person.
  • Moon: indicates one’s mental state.

Ketu: is a mysterious planet which governs spiritual thoughts/philosophy/salvation.

Consult With Us


Your Auspicious Planets

Your Strengths can be analyzed based on your Horoscope. One can work on strengths that

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Social Life Circle

Astrologers can guide if native need to focus on Friends or Social Life, will social circle be  

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Educational Achievement

We can guide you to right Path based on your Horoscope Planet Placements for selecting

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Matchmaking Consultation

Under Matchmaking Consultation, we offer various services like horoscope

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Relationship Happiness

The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship…

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Professional & Career

In Vedic Astrology career is mainly influenced by the time periods at the time of…

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Progeny …

Infertility is becoming a common symptom in today’s world irrespective of age…

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Child Guidance …

A comprehensive study from child Horoscope that explains the strengths and weaknesses

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Medical Astrology…

The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship…

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Tarot Reading & Consult

In Vedic Astrology career is mainly influenced by the time periods at the time of education

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Yogic Healing Techniques

Infertility is becoming a common symptom in today’s world irrespective of age…

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Health & Diet

A comprehensive study from child Horoscope that explains the strengths and weaknesses

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Prashna Kundli with Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology…

The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship…

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Nadi Astrology…

Nadi Astrology can help you find answers to any issues that have been disturbing you for so long in your life. Identify the correct, effective remedies to eradicate

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Your Auspicious Planets as per Vedic Astrology

Your Strengths can be analyzed based on your Horoscope. One can work on strengths that is energies that native has in her/his chart without making efforts in the direction which doesn’t support you Planetary Position.

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Social Life Circle

Astrologers can guide if native need to focus on Friends or Social Life, will social circle be of help to one’s life or not. What are the kind of neighborhood you have whether it would benefit the native or not. Planets that are favorable or not favorable to make up the social Life or focus might be needed in other areas in life rather being too much in Social World.

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Educational Achievement

We can guide you to right Path based on your Horoscope Planet Placements for selecting the Right Subject. We provide full-length astrology reports. Authentic and ancient Indian astrology techniques are used to create the most accurate and easy to understand prediction and Time Period of the Education Scope which is destined in your Chart.

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Matchmaking Consultation

Under Matchmaking Consultation, we offer various services like horoscope matching between the bride and the groom (Kundali matching), astrology consultation to analyze birth chart to find Manglik or love & romance compatibility

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Relationship Happiness

The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship. We make decisions on marriage when our Relations are successful. In today’s digital world, finding your perfect match has become quite a challenging task. Vedic Astrology says that there are several factors influencing your marriage life and compatibility between the couple. The planetary positions in one’s birth chart answers to many relationship questions of native’s life, whether you should get into marriage commitment or not or wait for some time for Transits to move on to the next phase to bless you with Success in Relationship.

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Professional & Career

In Vedic Astrology career is mainly influenced by the time periods at the time of education phase of native’s life, planets shape the career for most people. Many people change the line of education or the field of career and that happens with the effect of change in planetary transits during that year. When different planets show different combination of houses, change in profession happens. You can get very useful guidance regarding your career through a horoscope analysis and plan your life accordingly.

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Infertility is becoming a common symptom in today’s world irrespective of age, owing to several factors such as lifestyle, food habits, environmental pollution, work stress etc. By analyzing your Horoscope, the fertile & Fertile period can help understanding when to capitalize the most fertile period. Or whether native is able to bare children or is there any health issue.

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Child Guidance

A comprehensive study from child Horoscope that explains the strengths and weaknesses of the child. This report helps to understand their potential by analyzing the planetary positions in the child’s birth chart. We also suggests powerful Vedic remedies to improve self-confidence, positive identity and successful endeavors throughout your child’s life

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Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology is the branch of the Astrology that deals with Health and Longevity issues. Each sign and each planet are associated with a number of possible diseases. Current Transit give us proper reading on the Present Health and Maha Dasha, Bukhti give us the estimate time period of the disease that may arise in the future. With the help of Horoscope reading we can analysis the disease you are prone to. Any upcoming chronic issue can be checked from native horoscope

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Tarot Reading & Consultation

The reading with Astroshubh tarot team is deeply satisfying in two ways. One is that we analysis your exact situation through the cards and can immediately sense what you are going through. Secondly, we give you exact and precise answers to the questions you are asking. This can be done online, through phone or you can visit in person.

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Yogic Healing Techniques

We have professional teachers who read your horoscope and put you into Yoga Practice to boost your Planetary Energies within you making you feel good, confident and self motivated back again. These techniques include but are not limited to, physical postures (asana), meditations, breathing exercises (pranayama), focus points (drishti), sound vibration (mantra) and internal body locks (bundha). You will have to spend few hours of consultation with the Yoga and astrology expert. Live Demo will be provided to make sure you can do the asanas and Mantra Jab by yourself without much tutoring.

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Health & Diet

Every astrological chart depicts the way person looks and reflects his or her health image. That’s why almost every astrologer, especially a medical one can indicate whether there are any problems with health of a particular person. Astrology also can introduce certain recommendations on how to work in order to reduce or prevent possible health problems and how to cope with already available ones. In Astrology everyone is divided into 4 categories by constitution: water, fire, earth, and air.

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Prashna Kundli with Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology

We have expert on KP astrology. This branch is a discovery of Prof. K S. Krishnamurti, the world famous researcher of K. P. System of the Astrology. It is clear, convincing and correct which resorted to, mostly by those, who doubt the correctness of their birth data. Horary astrology can answer all your questions and remove all doubts even without knowing your correct time of birth. This system ultimately follows principles of the Astrology. By applying it, Astrologer can predict the longevity, health, success or failure in one’s enterprise.

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Nadi Astrology

Nadi Astrology can help you find answers to any issues that have been disturbing you for so long in your life. Identify the correct, effective remedies to eradicate any difficult energies or challenging complexities of life that keep you pause and stagnant for further life achievements.

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