Know about Astroshubh
Humans are nature’s unique and blessed creations, made out of five elements governed by the 9 Planets in our Solar System. Our lives are always closely associated with nature and its elements. We may control our homes and work spaces to suit our life style, but in order to energize us, these spaces within our body and external environment must follow nature’s principles. We try to align you in the direction of which your Horoscope Planets are situated in your Horoscope Chart and give you the right approach towards a healthy & happy life with certain Yogic Techniques and understanding your Planet Placement.
Yoga & Vedic Astrology is the Ancient Science of Asia which our Indian Sages followed and Preached. It is the science of human energy with nature’s energy and by adapting our spaces to the positive energies to five directions, i.e. nature’s five elements. In balancing these five elements, agni, vayu, jal, prithvi, akash – fire, air, water, earth, space.
Yogic Techniques with the blend of Astrological chart reading of an individual, is the science that would bring out the nature’s energy existing within you. And bring immense gains to our personal and professional lives.
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Horoscope Chart of an Individual

What we get from Horoscope Chart of an Individual.
By carefully observing a correct horoscope a learned astrologer can predict, whether a person can or cannot attain the highest level of consciousness and the ultimate goal of liberation or moksha.
House in charts which are Responsible for Liberation/Salvation
* Ascendant: disclosing one’s physical abilities, health and inclination of mind.
* 5th house: indicates feelings/sentiments and religion in God’s existence.
* 9th house: provides a clue of the act of non-secular and spiritual activities like pilgrim’s journey, construction of temple/mosque/church or in any religious place.
* 12th: indicates liberation/salvation /moksha.
- Jupiter: is a religious planet.
- Saturn: is a spiritual planet.
- Sun: indicates the soul of a person.
- Moon: indicates one’s mental state.
Ketu: is a mysterious planet which governs spiritual thoughts/philosophy/salvation.
Consult With Us

Your Auspicious Planets
Your Strengths can be analyzed based on your Horoscope. One can work on strengths that

Social Life Circle
Astrologers can guide if native need to focus on Friends or Social Life, will social circle be

Educational Achievement
We can guide you to right Path based on your Horoscope Planet Placements for selecting

Matchmaking Consultation
Under Matchmaking Consultation, we offer various services like horoscope

Relationship Happiness
The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship…

Professional & Career
In Vedic Astrology career is mainly influenced by the time periods at the time of…

Child Guidance …
A comprehensive study from child Horoscope that explains the strengths and weaknesses

Medical Astrology…
The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship…

Tarot Reading & Consult
In Vedic Astrology career is mainly influenced by the time periods at the time of education

Yogic Healing Techniques
Infertility is becoming a common symptom in today’s world irrespective of age…

Health & Diet
A comprehensive study from child Horoscope that explains the strengths and weaknesses

Prashna Kundli with Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology…
The secret of a being happy is when you have Happiness in terms of Relationship…

Nadi Astrology…
Nadi Astrology can help you find answers to any issues that have been disturbing you for so long in your life. Identify the correct, effective remedies to eradicate